Civplex Structural Engineers Pty Ltd

Civplex "Structural Engineers" Pty Ltd provide comprehensive solutions at every stage of the building process
rom initial "structural analysis" plus "building inspections" to "civil designs" and "drafting services".


FTC Disclosure Policy

FTC Publishes Guides Lines Governing Endorsements, And Ratification Of Testimonials

Effective as of December 1 2009 pod-casters, resellers, online affiliates, video producers, bloggers, and other producers of consumer generated content, began to be regulated on their endorsements & online testimonials
by FTC Policy Guides issued by the Federal Trade Commission, and failure to acquiesce can result in a hefty
fine imposed by the Federal Trade Commission.

The Federal Trade Commission has sanctioned It's final guidance to advertisers on how to keep their endorsement and testimonial ads in line with the FTC Policy Act, Which address endorsements by consumers, organization, experts, and celebrities, as well as the disclosure of important connections between advertisers and endorser's.

Under these FTC Policy Guides, advertisements that hallmark a consumer and bequeath his or her experience
with a service or product, as archetypal when that is not the "Case" will be required to clearly divulge the results,
that consumers can generally expect.

The FTC Policy Guides, also add new admonition to illustrate the long standing principle that “medium connections
are sometimes payments, or free products" between advertisers and endorser's alliance that consumers would not expect, "must be disclosed".

The FTC Policy Guides specify, that while decisions will be reached on a case by case basis, the post of a blogger who receives cash or in kind payments, to review a services or product is considered an endorsement. Thus,
bloggers who make an endorsement or have an alliance must disclose the material connections they share with
the seller of the services or products.

The FTC Policy Guides also make it clear that celebrities have a duty to disclose their relationships with advertisers when making endorsements outside the context of traditional ads, such as talk shows events or in social media.

www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty hold an internal standard of full transparency towards our
readers with respect to our relationships with advertisers and affiliate programs we sell, We Are also in full
compliance with the Federal Trade Commission's policies for social media disclosure.

www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty Has affiliate programs with many Organizations, It links to
sites that lead to services or product purchases with these Organizations, That generate affiliate revenue for
www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty


Have you gone over any review copy and testimonials you have posted with a fine tooth comb, to be sure they’re compliant with the new FTC Policy guidelines?

If your website is classified as an "endorser" by the FTC Policy Guides, you should make compliance your highest priority. The possibility of an hefty fine for non compliance should be of a major concern.

This information does not constitute legal advice, nor should it be construed as such.

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