Civplex Structural Engineers Pty Ltd

Civplex "Structural Engineers" Pty Ltd provide comprehensive solutions at every stage of the building process
rom initial "structural analysis" plus "building inspections" to "civil designs" and "drafting services".


Website Private Policy Terms Of Use

How is Personal Information used?

The personal information collected from you by www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty! is used to:

Provide you with our products or services, or with other information you have requested.

This will include use of personal information for establishing and maintaining any necessary accounts or records
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If at any time you no longer wish to be notified about new www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty or Services or Promotions, please let us know.


We use "cookies" as a fundamental part of our interaction with your Internet browser. The purpose is to provide
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We may set and access cookies on your computer. “Cookies” are small identifiers sent from A Web Server and stored on your computer’s hard drive that help us to recognize you if you visit our website again.

Also our website uses cookies to track how you found our website. To protect your privacy we do not use cookies
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You can reject cookies by changing your browser settings. Please note, however, that if you reject our cookies, it's possible that some web pages may not properly load.

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Our website may contain links to web sites which are owned or operated by third parties independent of www.
Civplex Structural Engineers Pty

Our website may, from time to time, contain links to the websites of other organisations which may be of interest
to you including websites owned or operated by our service providers.

Those web sites should contain their own privacy statements and their owners or operators are responsible for informing you about their security and privacy practices.

FTC Disclosure Policy

The owner of this site has the full intention to be compliant with the Federal Trade Commission rules about the use
of endorsements in advertising and marketing.

Accordingly, we want you as a visitor to understand that in most, if not all, instances we get paid a commission on
the sale of products or services generated by this site.

This FTC Disclosure Policy describe and Out lines that www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty, Has
links on this Website and e-mails for products, services and reviews.

They are affiliate links. If you decide to purchase though our links, we receive a commission on the product sales.

This site being www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty! was created with the intention to provide great Quality information Content about Structural Engineering.

By taking the affirmative step of clicking the "BUY"... button, or checking an Acceptance box, and the purchasing
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Use and Disclosure of Information:

We will only use or disclose, personal information, or information generated by cookies in accordance with www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty!

Privacy Policy, specific and additional provisions relating to privacy which apply to certain areas of www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty website and as otherwise set out it this Website Privacy Policy Statement.

Access to personal information by individuals:

You can access most of the personal information we hold about you by contacting us by any of the means set out below.

We may charge an access fee to cover the reasonable cost of retrieving the information and supplying it to you.

Access to online personal information may be refused in a number of circumstances, such as where the
information relates to anticipated legal proceedings or the request for access is frivolous or vexatious.

If we deny or restrict your access, we will explain why, if requested by letter!

Security of personal information:

Security of personal information is important to us and we take all reasonable precautions to protect personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Some of the ways we protect personal information include:

•external and internal premises security;
•restricting access to personal information only to staff who need it to perform their day to day functions;
•maintaining technology products to prevent unauthorised computer access or damage to electronically stored information, such as requiring identifiers and passwords, firewall's and anti-virus software; and
•maintaining physical security over paper records.

What else you should know about Website Privacy Policy:

Remember to close your browser and log-out of your internet connection, when you have finished your session.

This is to ensure that others cannot access your personal information & correspondence if you share a computer
with someone else or are using a computer in a public place like a library or Internet cafe.

You as an individual are responsible for the Security of and access to your own computer.

www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty is confident that if users respect & abide by the Principles and objectives, also bear in mind the matters described at this web page, the site, will provide a fantastic information source as well as an unique opportunity for you to share your views on relevant topics.

We trust that you will enjoy using the site as much as we look forward to hearing your views and opinions.

Acceptance and Changes to Security and Privacy Statement:

You acknowledge & accept that your use of www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty website indicates
your acceptance of the Website Privacy Policy Terms of Use Statement.

This is the current Website Privacy Policy Statement.

www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty may at any time vary the Website Privacy Policy Statement
by publishing the varied Website Privacy Policy Terms of use on Any of www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty Website Pages.

You accept that by doing this, www. Civplex Structural Engineers Pty has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation.

Contact details

If you have any questions or feedback about our "Website Privacy Policy", or wish to make a complaint about the
way in which we have handled your personal information, you may email support at "".

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